1. What is AHV-DCP?- AHV-DCP stands for Advance Heavy Vehicle Driver Competency Programme, a competency-based Truck Drivers Training course that has been specially designed by the Chemical Industries Council of Malaysia (CICM)
- The training is also an Internationally recognized training, which is certified by the Institute of Motor Industries, UK.
- The AHV-DCP is also recognized by the Malaysian Government (Ministry of Human Resources) and is accorded the ‘SBL-Khas’ status under their HRDF Scheme.
- It is currently the only all-encompassing and comprehensive competency-based training for Truck drivers in Malaysia.
2. Why is competent driving important?
Malaysia is amongst the highest risk country in Asia for road transport operations. Most truck accidents are as a direct result of drivers’ action or inaction. A competently trained driver is the single biggest factor in reducing road risk. Not knowing one’s vehicle (Pre-Drive Checks) and not knowing oneself (Fatigue Management) also contributes to road incidents – Training can significantly reduce this exposures.It is also established that Safety and Operations goes hand-in-hand, where you cannot get efficiency and optimize the cost of your road transport operations without safety. Safety is also a key measured KPI in the Logistic Industries and is a pre-requisite when hauling product on the road for Petrochemical and Oil & Gas Companies.
3. Why should my drivers attend the AHV-DCP?
This competency based training has been specially designed with comprehensive fit-for-purpose syllabus covering all aspects that is required in ensuring safe heavy vehicle driving operations. The syllabus covers not only Defensive Driving, but also Pre-Drive Checks, Vehicle Stability, Fatigue Management, Drivers’ Legislative Responsibility, with a Mindset Change session. This Competency based training is covers Theory and Practical sessions which is conducted through a 5-step process protocol: ‘Teach – Demo – Coach – Assess – Certify’.
4. How do I check the status of my drivers AHV-DCP Training?
You can get in touch with CICM Secretariat at the following contacts:
Tel | +60 3 62867200 |
Fax | +60 3 62776714 |
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5. What do you mean by fully HRDF funded?
The AHV-DCP Training is under the HRDF ‘SBL-Khas’ scheme, where if a company has a HRDF account, it need NOT pay nor does it need to allocate or raise any budget for this training. Simply make arrangement through approved training provider by CICM & HRDF, and the trainers will be paid directly by HRDF (through the Client’s Account). Alternatively, a company can also claim through the standard HRDF-SBL process of pay & claim.
6. How long is this training?
This a two day training course with a first day of classroom covering theory and static vehicle checks; and the second day comprising on-the-road coaching, demo and assessment.
7. Who provides the training?
The training is provided by IMI approved training providers, through IMI and CICM approved trainers.
8. Location of training?
The training is usually conducted at transporters bases, using transporter’s approved trucks.
9. How do I make the training arrangement for my drivers?
You can get in touch with CICM Secretariat at the following contacts to indicate your interest:
Tel | +60 3 62867200 |
Fax | +60 3 62776714 |
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10. Who recognizes this training?
The AHV-DCP Competency Certificate is an International Certification issued DIRECTLY by the Institute of Motor Industries, IMI, UK.
11. Validity period for this training?
The AHV-DCP is valid for two years from its Certification Date, after which Drivers would need to do re-training (re-certification).
12. What do I need to provide for this training?
Since training is done at Transporters Bases (nationwide) and with transporters vehicles, the transporters would need to provide a conducive training room, complete with LCD projector and flip-chart; and a safe suitable training vehicle.
13. What do the trainers provide?
The approved training providers would provide all training material, aids and handouts, as required.
14. What is Driver requirement for this training?
Drivers needs to be fit (valid medical) and have a valid Driving and GDL License.
15. Who can I contact in CICM to get more information on the AHV-DCP Training?
You can get in touch with CICM Secretariat at the following contacts:
Tel | +60 3 62867200 |
Fax | +60 3 62776714 |
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16. Are there any other training terms / requirements?
- There is a 6 pax (minimum) and 18 pax (maximum) requirement per session
- Number of trainers subject to the number of pax
- For training within Klang Valley, no additional charges other than the training fee. For training outside the Klang Valley, trainers’ transport, flight (for Sabah & Sarawak), accommodation and incidental costs will apply